HOLD IT!! Issue #8 Now Available!2/19/2007
On the Grand Master's Stage -
Strider - ARC
Goading 'n Gouging -
Ghouls 'n Goblins series
That Spiky-Haired Lawyer is All Talk -
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - NDS
Shinji Mikami and the Lost Art of Game Design -
Resident Evil - PS1 ; P.N. 03 ; Resident Evil 4 - NGC ; God Hand - PS2
Secrets and Save Points -
Secret of Mana - SNES
Giving Up the Ghost -
Metroid II: Return of - NGB
I Came Wearing a Full Suit of Armour But I Left Wearing Only My Pants -
- Comic
Militia II is Machinima -
Militia II - AVI
Mega Microcosms -
Warioware series
Persona Visits the Wii Line -
An Illustrated Campout for the Wii - Comic
Christmas Morning at the Leukemia Ward -
Tokyo Game Show 2006
A Retrospective Survival Guide to Tokyo Game Show -
With Extra-Special Blue Dragon Preview
You've Won a Prize! -
Knee-Deep in Legend -
Doom - PC
Killing Dad and Getting it Right -
Shadow Hearts - PS2
The Sound of Horns and Motors -
Fallout series
The Punch Line -
Rule of Rose - PS2
Untold Tales of the Arcade -
Killing Dragons Has Never Been So Much Fun!
Why Game? -
Reason #7: Why Not!?
Issue #7 Now Available9/24/2006
Breaking the Law of Miyamoto -
Super Mario Bros. - NES
For Super Players -
Super Mario Bros. 2 - FDS, SNES, GBC
Play a Friend's New Super Mario Bros. -
New Super Mario Bros. - DS
Out of the Valley -
Great Abstractions in Videogames
To Be Frank -
Dead Rising - 360
The Unintended Horror -
Fear in Games
Let Your Momma Sleep! -
Jet Set Radio - SDC
There's More to Gaming than Just Gaming -
Gaming in South Korea
Behind the Green Door -
The Xbox 360 Uncloaked: The Real Story Behind Microsoft's Next-Generation Video Game Console
Dark Oddysey -
Sound Voyager - GBA
A Day in the Life of R-Ko, Gamestore Employee -
- Comic
Haiku for Dragon Warrior VII -
Dragon Warrior VII - PS1
Faith & Fantasy -
Final Fantasy Series - NES, SNES, PS2, GC, 360, GB, GBA, WIN, DS
Effeminaphobia and Male Intimacy: Far Cry Only Worries when the Jungle Drums Stop -
Far Cry - WIN
Mushroom Hunting in Heels -
Violence in Videogames
Use Your Illusion -
Final Fantasy, Game Design, and Me
Zen Type -
Ridge Racer - PS1, PS2, PSP, 360
High Calibur -
Soul Calibur - SDC
The Next Next-Gen -
Back to the Future
Mommy, Where Does Novelty Come From? -
A Parable
Untold Tales from the Arcade -
The Battle for the Kingdom Continues!
Why Game? -
Reason #6: Nostalgia
Podcast #2 Half Life 2 - Now Available8/15/2006
It's been a month since our first podcast, so here goes number 2. In this episode, Matthew Williamson, Benjamin Rivers, Andrew Toups, J.R. Freeman, and M. O'Connor discuss the seminal PC title Half Life 2 and its unique qualities and shortcomings. The podcast can be downloaded here, and the cover here. Stay tuned after the podcast to learn how you can win a copy of Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light for the PSP!

Our staff is currently busy finishing up their articles for our next issue which is due in mid-September. Please remember to check back then, or just sign up for our mailing list in that little "mailing list" section to the left. We should mention that there are a few technical issues with this podcast. We thought about redoing the whole thing, but didn't feel that the issues were bad enough to try to artificially recreate the conversations that went on. O' Connor has done a great job of cleaning things up, but if you still want to complain or have any other, more positive feedback, please click Comments and let us know what you think.
Podcast #1 Noctis - Now Available7/16/2006
Welcome to the first TGQ Podcast, where The Gamer's Quarter staff discuss an interesting or significant game on months between magazine releases. In our first show, M. O'Connor, J. R. Freeman, Ancil Anthropy, and Brandon Richard discuss the freeware title Noctis, a space exploration simulator that's tremendously vast and surprisingly lonely. Download the podcast right here, and the cover here. When you're done listening you can download the "game" from its website, you might also want to check out our Omake photo gallery
Issue #6 Now Available6/19/2006
A Medium of Moments -
Mobile Gaming
The N-Gage is Dead; Long Live the N-Gage -
Nokia, N-Gage
Medium Possibilities -
The Music of Double Dragon 2
Console Identity -
Crossing the Boobicon -
The Physics of Heavenly Bodies
Your Mileage May Vary -
Videogame Transportation
Death in the Impasse Valley -
Fushigi no Dungeon 2: Furai no Shiren - SNES
Persona Visits E3 -
Impressionistic Impressions of E3: 2006 Edition - Comic
An E3 Survival Guide -
Los Angeles, 2006
Hard Drive Optional -
E3 Survival Guide
How to Get Back Into E3 -
E3 Survival Guide
E3: Unwrapped -
E3 Survival Guide
The Drinks Are on Keith -
Intellivision Party - E3
Mechanical Donkeys -
M.U.L.E. - A800, C64, NES, PC
A Broken Robot at the End of the World -
Planetarian: The Reverie of a Little Planet - PC
Worship the Glitch -
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - WIN, 360
In on the Auction -
A Letter to SCEA
A Brief Note on Pacing in Videogames -
The Soul of Wit
Untold Tales of the Arcade -
Stand-Up Role-Playing Games
Stay Awhile, Stay Forever! -
Further Adventures in the British Games Press
Why Game? -
Reason #5: Scoring Culture
Issue #5 Now Available3/21/2006
A Hymn to the Hard Corps -
Contra: Hard Corps - GEN
I Shoot Therefore I AM -
Contra - ARC, NES, SNES, GEN, PS2 (MSX)
The Real Next Generation -
Ultimate Spider-Man and the Future
Seen It All in a Small Town -
Animal Crossing: Wild World - NDS
She Is Freed -
Rez - PS2, SDC
The Vicissitudes of Hot-Rod Machismo as Applied to Graphics-Card Message Boards -
Building Your Own PC
Lucid Dreaming -
Final Fantasy XI - PS2, WIN, 360
Input as Metaphor -
Describing "Walk"--3 Credits, Fall
Convergence of Times -
Outrun 2 - XBX (Modified)
Every System an Island -
Console Systems
Phoenix Wright and the Turnabout Hair-Burger -
- Comic
The Road to Sorrow is Paved with Happy Points -
Chibi-Robo - GCN
Futurist Concerto -
Journey to Silius - NES
Total Ellipsis of the Heart -
. . .
My Eyes Are Blue, But I Know Samurai's Spirits -
Samurai Showdown - ARC, NEO (PS1, XBX, PS2)
Please Give Tim Schafer Your Money -
Psychonauts - XBX, PS2, WIN
Running the Shadows -
Shadowrun - GEN, SNES, SCD
Love Love Advance -
Advance Guardian Heroes - GBA
Untold Tales of the Arcade -
Konami's Finest
This Is a Note and I Strum It -
Guitar Hero - PS2
Chasing Ghosts -
- Comic
A Defense of Silent Hill 3 -
Silent Hill 3 - PS2, PC
Online Phobia -
Gaming Online
Shadows -
Shadow of the Colossus - PS2
Not New Games Journalism Manifesto -
The Last Time The Gamer's Quarter Talks about New Games Journalism
Why Game? -
Reason #4: Roger Ebert Don't Stress Me
Issue #4 Now Available12/16/2005
Shadows of an Art Form -
Shadow of the Colossus - PS2
The Hero and the Sleeping Woman -
Myth and Good Storytelling in Video Games
Remembering Zelda II -
The Adventure Of Link, 15 Years Later
Riven is Probably my Favorite Game Ever -
Riven - MAC, PC, PS1, SAT
Controller (R)Evolution -
Nintendo, my mother, and the future of videogames.
We Must Free The Things We Love -
We <3 Katamari - PS2
Wall-Jumping for Kicks -
Super Metroid - SNES
Good Old-Fashioned Family Fun -
Video Game Championship of the World
Show Me Something Gorgeous -
A Brief Analysis of Videogame Aesthetics
Metal Gear Crossing -
Furniture Collecting Action!! - Comic
Interview with Greg Costikyan -
Manifesto Games
Awakenings -
NO$GMB - Gateway PC
Doubting Heroes -
God Of War - PS2
Arcadia of my Youth -
On Japanese Role-Playing Games and Life
Ambidextrous Ambiance -
Beatmania - Arcade, PS1, PS2
Love Love Dance -
Gunstar Super Heroes - GBA
Furries: Hedgehog Hodgepodge -
Influences for a Hedgehog
The Gamer's Quarter Accepts its First Bribe -
Street Fighter Alpha: Generations - DVD
The Doom Generation -
Fast, Hard and Brutal, Like Doom Was, But Not Really
The Happiest Time of My Life -
Chrono Trigger - SNES, PS1
Why Game? -
Reason #3: Analysis
Issue #3 Now Available9/15/2005
How Nippon Ichi Saved My Life -
Disgaea - PS2 ; Phantom Brave - PS2 ; Makai Kingdom - PS2
Phantom Publisher -
An Interview With NIS America
Soldier of Lost Fortune -
Missing a Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity
Within the Shell of a License -
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - PS2
We Shall Meet in the Place Where There is No Darkness -
Half-Life 2 - PC
Anomoly Discrimination Force S^2 -
Chapter 02: The Coparcener - Comic
A Calculated Assault on Starcraft and All it Stands For: Why I Am Not a Gamer -
Starcraft - PC
Speed Runs and You -
I Like to Watch
A Story of Fable -
Fable - Xbox
Guilty Pleasures XXX -
Welcome to the Guilty Gear! - Comic
Innovation in Game Design -
An Exercise in Creativity by The Gamer’s Quarter Staff and Their Friends
Suicide Salaryman -
Game Design #1
Skylarking -
Game Design #2
Project FTL -
Game Design #3
An RPG Without Saves -
Game Design #4
Real Dog vs. Nintendog (Real Dog Wins) -
Nintendogs - NDS
“at how many komas do jou get gogeta?” -
Jump Superstars - NDS
Life, Non-Warp: DX -
Super Mario Bros. 3 - NES
Killer 7 -
Untold Tales of the Arcade 3: Taito Think Tank -
A Look Into Old and Obscure Arcade Games
The Gamer’s Quarter EXCLUSIVE Preview of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess -
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - NGC
Frustration in an Aerial Fantasy World -
SkyGunner - PS2
Open Letter to Rockstar -
Hot Coffee Controversy
Reaching Adulthood Through Street Fighter 2 -
How I Learned to Love the Fight
Raystorm and Its Legacy -
Rayforce - AC ; Raystorm - AC ; Raycrisis - AC
In a Sea of Intellectual Property, Pirates Arise -
Morality and Emulation on the PSP
Why Game? -
Reason #2: Internationalism
Issue #2 Now Available6/15/2005
The Creation of a New Style, Giant Fish and the Fight for Survival -
A Darius Retrospective
Four Games -
From Russia to New York via Games
Important Failures in Videogame History -
The Pre-History of Video Gaming
In Which I Discover That The King of Fighters is Really Pretty Great -
In a Way That Mortal Kombat Isn't, I Mean.
It’s a Gamer's World Out There -
A Different Perspective
Light at the End of the Tunnel -
Cave Story - Doukutsu Monogatari - PC
Logging Out of a Matrix Called Halo 2 -
Halo 2 - XB
Nerves of Steel in Battalion Hell -
Steel Battalion - XB
New Advice Journalism -
Keep Your Fonzie Offa My Gonzo
Oh What a Difference an Eyebrow Can Make -
An Interview With Ryoichi Hasegawa
Persona visits E3 -
Impressionistic Impressions of E3 - Comic
Pongism – Theory and Practice -
A Study of the Distilled Essence of the Video Game
Prince of Hearts -
Ico & Prince of Persia: Point/Counter Point
S*2 Omake! 01.5 - Noodles & Childhood -
The ongoing adventures of the anomaly discrimination force - Comic
Seiklus -
An Interview with Clysm
Untold Tales of The Arcade: Mission Secret -
A Look Into Old and Obscure Arcade Games
We All Live In a Pokémon World -
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal - Comic
Why Game? -
What's it all for?
Issue #1 Now Available3/15/2005
anomaly discrimination force S*2 -
Chapter one of our ongoing manga series - Comic
The Curse of 'Warning Forever' -
Warning Forever - WIN
Dissecting a Hedgehog -
An In-depth Analysis of Sonic the Hedgehog
Doki Doki Idol Star Seeker Remix -
Treatise, Translation, and Advanced Strategy Guide
Not a Review of Metal Gear Solid 3 -
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - PS2
Ottsel Propaganda -
Jak 3 - PS2
Prince of Persia: Warrior Withheld -
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within - PS2
Rolling Up Kommunism -
Katamari Damacy - PS2
A Room With a Hell of a View -
Silent Hill 4 - PS2
San Andreas Days -
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - PS2
Starting From Scratch -
Or, How I learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace Game Death
A Subtle Shift -
Resident Evil 4 - GCN
To the End of Time -
Chrono Trigger - SNES
Untold tales from the Arcade -
An Inquiry Into Old, Obscure, and Good Arcade Games
Issue #0 No Longer Available3/1/2005
Preview issue is no longer available, please download issue #1.


They just currently live here and nobody's posted on them since 2011.

Signups are turned off because the spam problem is literally what killed the forums. So I hope you remember your password!

-- Much love, ApM

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