A Hymn to the Hard Corps - Sergei "Seryogin" Servianov
Contra: Hard Corps - GEN
I Shoot Therefore I AM - Francesco-Allesio "Randorama" Ursini
Contra - ARC, NES, SNES, GEN, PS2 (MSX)
The Real Next Generation - J. R. "Mr. Mechanical" Freeman
Ultimate Spider-Man and the Future
Seen It All in a Small Town - ancil "dessgeega" anthropy
Animal Crossing: Wild World - NDS
She Is Freed - Matt "ShaperMC" Williamson
Rez - PS2, SDC
The Vicissitudes of Hot-Rod Machismo as Applied to Graphics-Card Message Boards - M. "dhex" O'Connor
Building Your Own PC
Lucid Dreaming - Heather "Faithless" Campbell
Final Fantasy XI - PS2, WIN, 360
Input as Metaphor - "David" Hellman
Describing "Walk"--3 Credits, Fall
Convergence of Times - John "Szczepaniak"
Outrun 2 - XBX (Modified)
Every System an Island - Colin "Wilkes" Booth
Console Systems
Phoenix Wright and the Turnabout Hair-Burger - Mariel "Kinoko" Cartwright and Jonathan "Persona-Sama" Kim
- Comic
The Road to Sorrow is Paved with Happy Points - "Super" Wes Ehrlichman
Chibi-Robo - GCN
Futurist Concerto - Sergei "Seryogin" Servianov
Journey to Silius - NES
Total Ellipsis of the Heart - Tim "Swimmy" McGowan
. . .
My Eyes Are Blue, But I Know Samurai's Spirits - Chris "friedchicken" Harback
Samurai Showdown - ARC, NEO (PS1, XBX, PS2)
Please Give Tim Schafer Your Money - Jeremy "ApM" Penner
Psychonauts - XBX, PS2, WIN
Running the Shadows - John "Szczepaniak"
Shadowrun - GEN, SNES, SCD
Love Love Advance - ancil "dessgeega" anthropy
Advance Guardian Heroes - GBA
Untold Tales of the Arcade - Francesco-Alessio "Randorama" Ursini
Konami's Finest
This Is a Note and I Strum It - Scott "GilloD" Stephan
Guitar Hero - PS2
Chasing Ghosts - Benjamin "Lestrade" Rivers
- Comic
A Defense of Silent Hill 3 - John "Rud13" Overton
Silent Hill 3 - PS2, PC
Online Phobia - Brian "TheRumblefish" Roesler
Gaming Online
Shadows - Brian N. "Antitype" Wood
Shadow of the Colossus - PS2
Not New Games Journalism Manifesto - J. R. "Mr. Mechanical" Freeman
The Last Time The Gamer's Quarter Talks about New Games Journalism
Why Game? - M. "dhex" O'Connor
Reason #4: Roger Ebert Don't Stress Me